Quintessence Of Light


It’s yet another menagerie fight! This time, for either Scrappin or Battle Pet Roundup, you’re going to face Quintessence Of Light.

This is going to be a tough one. Quintessence is a moderator & site contributor over at Warcraft Pets, and also writes her own stand-alone pet blog at Perks And Peeves. She knows what’s what. So does this pet, but we’ve got the tools to get the job done.


The Creepy Crate is honestly, oddly, primarily a stall. You can fill this role with most battle pets. Mechanicals are right out, as all Quintessence’s offense is Elemental. The thing I particularly like about the Crate is that it has a lot of DoTs to lend a hand, and that Curse Of Doom is definitely a plus. I’ve used a Fel Flame, the Macabre Marionette, a Wild Golden Hatchling, a Nether Faerie Dragon, and a couple others. Your choices are pretty vast, but I’ll leave this filler up to you. Unfortunately, the latitude there is made up for with a rather specific next couple of pets. The Senjin Fetish can pretty much only be swapped with the Voodoo Figurine or Fetish Shaman, which are effectively the same pet. The Rabbit can be swapped for a handful of other critters, but this is one of a very few times I’m going to caution you on breed. Stampede or Swarm is crucial here, but your critter has to has over 315 speed.

Like I said, the first pet just kinda stalls, up until the point Quintessence Of Light casts Heat Up.


We need to have control over Heat Up to win this fight, because it’s a doozy.  Heat Up deals 270 damage to Quintessence’s opponent every time they deal direct damage, and persists for 3 turns as a buff on her. “Direct damage” is an important distinction. DoTs don’t really count. But we need to know when it’s coming to time everything else.

As soon as Quintessence casts Heat Up, swap on over to your Fetish. Cast your Wild Magic and Dragon Breath as needed. You’re slower than Quintessence, a Flying pet, so you should always use Rot on your ‘free’ undead Res turn.

After that, it’s bunny madness!


Stampede your fuzzy little heart out. Depending on prior RNG, Heat Up may come back up during that last turn of Stampede, which is why I go with the speedy rabbits. At that point, Quintessence will be below half health, so my rabbit will suddenly start going first. You don’t want to swap in your rabbit early to try & fudge using a slower rabbit, because Quintessence’s speed means you’re always a turn behind for swap purposes, so your Rabbit will get creamed before it does its job.

All else fails, you can always Howl Bomb this one. I won’t tell. #yolo

2 thoughts on “Quintessence Of Light

  1. Pingback: Menagerie Roundup | BattlePetRoundup.com

  2. raniphae

    Because I don’t have a Sen’jin Fetish (much less either of the other two), I figured this strategy was beyond me, but with the release of the new set of “Raiding With Leashes” pets, I was able to pull it off with a Stinkrot with Rot and Corpse Explosion! It’s not as perfect as having access to Wild Magic, but between that and letting my first two pets do as much damage as they could before Stinkrot’s corpse explosion-y last hurrah and swapping in my bunny, it definitely works (and is more satisfying than Howl Bomb).


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