Scrags, Stings & Grubbles


This trio of battle pets is another group you may face in your garrison’s Menagerie as a part of Battle Pet Roundup, Scrappin or Mastering the Menagerie.

This is a fairly standard, no-frills fight. After all the Roboflauges and Iron Threads, it’s kind of a refreshing change of pace. Here’s the team:


In place of the spider, most strong beast offenses will do, though there are a lot of high-level tamed spiders to choose from. Crabs do pretty well too, & same deal. The mechanical needs to have either very strong offense, or lots of heals & dodges. I tend to like the pets with big single-hitting abilities, like the tonk’s Lock-On, Ion Cannon, etc. In the last slot that magic damaging Dragonkin battle pet family is at it again. I like the handful with heals, just as extra insurance, but it’s not really necessary. The Nether Faerie Dragon in particular works out really well to level the playing field.

The fight starts off relatively slow. Part of the reason there are so many available swaps is because Grubbles starts off with Sticky Goo, meaning that each pet’s abilities are relatively insular. There’s not a lot of synergy here, so just swap with wild abandon. Grubbles has the multi-hitting Flank as its main offense, which is why I like the Spider. Brittle Webbing means that each hit damages Grubbles too. Grubbles also has Adrenaline Rush, which he’ll use occasionally to get off an additional hit of Flank. This isn’t really an issue for my Spider, but if you’re making some swaps you may decide against, eg, using Pounce on a Cat here.


Scrags combines a stun with Takedown. Because of Grubbles’ Sticky Goo, unless your previous pet has a dodge ability there’s no saving it by swapping out after the stun. Scrags also has Ravage so we have to watch out for heals. The best way to counter this is to simply destroy it. I like the Tonk here, because I can time my Lock-On to ensure I finish Scrags before it can use Ravage. As an added bonus, the Tonk has the Minefield ability, which will significantly damage Stings when it’s his turn to come out. I just keep using my Missile ability in the meantime. I’ve had really good luck with the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti with Ion Cannon, or the Clockwork Gnome with Build/Launch Rocket too. Alternately, the Darkmoon Zeppelin with the Decoy ability can clinch a win fairly handily. I can occasionally pull off a 2-pet carry with the Zeppelin, too.


Stings can be very tricky, though so many of the teams in Draenor are Flying battle pets with Flying offense so you probably have the tools in your kit to prevail. Most Dragonkin battles pets with a Magic move or 2 can get the job done. I like the additional insurance of Life Exchange just in case Scrags manages to get off a Ravage & I have to finish the whole thing job with my 3rd pet, but it’s not really necessary. Stings uses Barbed Stinger, which means there is some degree of RNG involved, additionally so with Focus, so some heals may be in order if you’re getting smacked with the RNG stick.

4 thoughts on “Scrags, Stings & Grubbles

  1. Pingback: Menagerie Roundup |

  2. Alosjs

    I used Fjord Worg Pup. Lil’ Bling, and Sprite Darter Hatchling. For some reason I don’t have any rare spider at lvl 25, so I had to change the pets, and I just finished getting all the Darkmoon pets this month, I focused on getting the mounts first, it was when I didn’t care much about pet battles and collecting, so they are still lvl 1, so I used Lil’ Bling, it was nice and easy.

  3. sethec

    Frostwolf pup, Tonk, and Azure Whelpling. The mines exploded on Stings, then power surge finished him off. He didn’t stand a chance!


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